Thursday, February 03, 2005

FlameSpeaker Madness

Last night (Wednesday, February 2) a group of courageous indivuduals gathered at the Fishbon studio to observe the fruits of the labors of well-known pyrotechnical activist Allan M. The result, an evening of house music, propane, mirrors, smoke, video cameras and projections. A speaker with a stylish steel oil change funnel attached, responded to selected musical frequencies with a jet of air. When aimed at a propane flame and recorded with a video camera, an undulating analog flamelet was projected on a nearby screen. Further experiments led to elaborate aluminum foil nozzles crafted by Jean, Clay, Dominique, Alan and Sarah.

1 comment:

Clay said...

I think we could get mirror-like panels at Art From Scrap. I'll check tomorrow to see what I can find. We could also use mirror tiles maybe.